Today my heart is bursting with gratitude. We had an AMAZING day yesterday and had an overwhelming turn out at the fundraiser BBQ for Willie.
Our day started early as we met at the park with a group of friends to start setting up for the event. My sister in law, Tammy, has been the lead planner for this whole thing and she helped us set up according to her vision. I have never seen Tammy put on any event that wasn't orchestrated to the smallest detail and even a BBQ in the park received her same attention to the small things, like making sure the plastic table clothes were perfectly centered on the tables!
I admit, I mocked her a bit, but she turned that park into a haven that border lined on wedding reception quality. I don't have that gift of organizing events. If I would have been in charge, I would have thrown some tables haphazardly around the park and called it good. I doubt I would think to even wipe the tables off yet alone cover them, and everyone would most assuradly leave with a sliver.
Signing up for Be The Match |
I'm better at using a mixing spoon and wearing an apron. I think I'll stick to that.
The guys from the gym got the meat and rice going and we waited for people to show up. The weather was perfect and the entire park was shaded as we were getting started. Our friend Rob set up a speaker system and treated everyone to a fantastic mix of music that had a little something for everyone.
People started trickling in around 1PM and by 2PM the line for food was winding around the park. We had a lot of friends who had volunteered to help in any way we needed and I was amazed on how they just showed up and took over at the right moment. We had a mix of family and friends making the food, taking tickets and dishing up plates. It was like watching a well oiled machine function without the need of a director.
We couldn't believe how many people were coming. It was awesome! Around 2:45 the guys realized we were going to run out of meat so I was sent to the local grocery store to "get everything they've got!". I got 20 more chickens and 6 tri tips which I rushed back to the park so they could get them cooking. People kept coming and we just kept serving. It wasn't stressful or overwhelming in the slightest way.
It felt like Christmas dinner to me, but amplified to include the entire community. Everyone wished us well and lifted our spirits with their expressions of love and concern. Willie was feeling great and wandered around talking to people in between helping shuttle the meat from the barrels to the serving table.
He got himself a fancy new Fedora hat that made him look suave and stylish. I found myself watching him several times throughout the day and being overwhelmed with gratitude that he could be there with us. There was a moment where I looked up just as he was sharing a laugh with one of his close friends. The sun was dancing on his face and arms and he looked like he was glowing. I felt frozen in time as I looked at my angel surrounded by an entire park of community angels. It was an out of body experience as I processed the last 3 months of mayhem that had brought us to that moment.
Is this really my life?
Has all that really happened to us?
It's difficult to comprehend.
But the ultimate blessing and gift from all of it is that we have learned how to love to the fullest. We have seen the best sides of people brought out in support of our trial. And most importantly, we have become better people.
Or at least I hope we have.
We are still a work in progress. There is a children's church song that says "God gave us families to help us become what he wants us to be." I know that to be true because Willie is helping me become a better person every day and I am most grateful for our trials that allows us to change and to grow.
We talked with the rep at the end of the event and she said she had about 50 people sign up.
Simply Awesome!
We served until we had nothing left to offer and called it a day around 4:30PM. We fed well over 300 people. It was nothing short of a miracle that we pulled it off!
It's uncommon for me to be at a loss for words, but I can't even think how to begin to say thank you. I wasn't born in Willows, but I have come to feel like I belong here. I have experienced so much warmth and love from this community that I now consider it my own. It will be an honor to one day raise our children in this amazing place.
My cousin's lovely thumb at the Utah yard sale |
I'm feeling doubly blessed to be from a supportive community and now be transplanted into one. It is a testament to Will's strong character to see how quickly people come to his aid. He would do the same for anyone else in need and we will forever be paying it forward.
Thank you to everyone who helped us either in Willows or Utah. We are humbled by the love and support we have received and offer our sincere gratitude to anyone who was involved.
My Mom said it best last night when she said it is as if the windows of heaven have opened up and poured blessing on us.
Indeed, we are experiencing a glimpse of heaven and we are most grateful!