We are moving up in life!
Willie has been feeling fantastic! Our only complaint, if we had one, would be that we are becoming too busy between our two businesses. This is a great complaint to have and we feel so very blessed for the success we've had in business and health.
It was so much fun! I could have stayed in the car next to my husband spinning round and round forever.
Life after cancer is a curious place. There was a time when we had to adjust our expectations of life and our future and adapt to our new reality, but mostly we have returned to life as it was before Willie got sick with one stark difference:
Everything has changed.
I have found that my capacity to love has grown beyond my own ability to understand. We are able to find joy in the simple things in life and laugh with greater ease. We empathize with people in their own challenges and understand that everyone walks their own path which shapes who they become.
And we are always in the process of becoming.
And life goes on.
I am writing this in my living room as Willie lies next to me on the couch and flips happily between 2 football games. Kona is lying at the foot of the couch and he intermittently scratches her belly and talks to her.
I am complete.
Life is good.
"Happy football season!" Says Willie.