Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 57. Neither Up Nor Down.

I'm loving this pic I took the other day!

When I was young we would sing a song called the "Duke of York" that tells of how the Duke  marched 10,000 men up a hill and down again.  The chorus of the song says:
When you're up your up
and when you're down your down
but when you're only half way up
you're neither up nor down.

I thought of that song today when I reflected of the events of the past few weeks.  It seems we have been hanging in the limbo of being neither up nor down, but I've come to realize it is a fine place to be.
We returned to the cancer center yesterday for our regular appointment.  Willie's labs look awesome and Lenny was happy to see that the rash has resolved.  I reported that I am unhappy with his blood sugar spikes which we have been able to control with diet and Lenny applauded us.
"All of my other patients have to be on insulin so you guys are doing something right. We will decrease his dose on Friday so it won't be like this forever." He said.
"I'll let you know our secret." I divulged and he leaned in close. "I give him his prednisone with a smoothie made with full fat coconut milk."
He hovered inches from me as a look of confusion crossed his face.
"And how does that help?" He asked.
It was the exact question one should never ask nutrition nerd like myself.  I gave him the long winded answer about how blood sugar spikes can be dramatically decreased by adding fat to a meal.  He listened intently to my explanation.
"Wow!" He said. "That is going to be so helpful for my other patients." 
We agreed.  I hope he passes the useful tip on.
"So when can I get back in the gym?" Willie asked, as Lenny listened to his lungs with a stethoscope.
"You must be feeling better!" He replied. "That's the first time you've ever asked about doing anything active."
"I'm feeling a lot better and I want to start getting my muscle back." Willie replied.
"Unfortunately, you can't got back to the gym for a while." Lenny said with a sad shake of his head. "There's just too many bacterial risks there.  You can work out in the apartment though, maybe bench press the couch or the bed."
We laughed at that.
He finished his exam and confirmed our appointment on Friday. 
"Next time we see you Willie will bench press you." I said, as we got up to leave.
"Maybe we can settle on an arm wrestle." He said with a smile. "But I don't think I'd stand a chance."
He patted Willie on the back and said goodbye.
We do like our Lenny!

Because what electronics store doesn't have a train inside?
We had a fantastic day today.  Willie felt good enough to run some errands with me.  We went to Fry's Electronics which was an adventure in itself.  The store is decorated in the style of a western saloon,  It was quite the experience to look at laptops and computers while surrounded by bales of hay.  The store was huge and filled with random items.  Never before have I been to a store where you can buy a pair of pajama jeans from one aisle and a computer motherboard on the next.  We didn't buy anything, but had a great time looking!
He had a good lunch and dinner and has had no nausea today.  At the risk of jinxing ourselves I think we may have graduated from being
"neither up nor down" to being "up!"

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing that you are keeping his sugar at bay so he doesn't have to be on insulin. Also,that sounds like a very interesting store lol. Sending Prsyers <3
